Deutschland OSMTH Großpriorat Deutschland

Grand Priory of Argentina

Österreich Großpriorat Österreich OSMTH

Grand Priory of Belgium

Grand Priory of Bulgaria

Grand Priory of Canada

Grand Priory of the Republic of Croatia

Priory of the Kingdom of Denmark


Suomi Temppeliherrain Ritarikunta

Grand Prieuré de France du Temple (GPFT)

Grand Priory of Greece

The Knights Templar of England and Wales

Italia Gran Priorato d’Italia dell’Ordine dei Cavalieri del Tempio di Jerusalem

Grand Priory of St. Joan of Arc of Mexico

Grand Priory of NATO 

Norge Grand Priory of the Kingdom of Norway

Grande Priorado de Portugal

Marele Priorat din Romania – Ordinul Cavalerii Romaniei 

Grand Priory of Serbia